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Who Is Jesus Anyway?

Have you ever wondered who Jesus is?
Why He is important in your life?
Can it make a difference to become more like Him?

The greatest joy and happiness in life comes from living as Jesus taught and set the example.  However, we cannot live a way we do not know, or understand.
Jesus came to earth to suffer for each of us. He knows our pains, our sorrows, our deepest heartbreaks and the temptations we struggle with.
Through Him we can be forgiven, feel calm and peace even in hardship and trial and have His love surround and hold you.
Jesus is the way back to God and with His help, we can reach our divine potential. Because He loves us, and has from the very beginning, it is essential to know and love Him. I hope this nine-part series gives you insight of who Jesus is, and a desire to draw closer to Him and become more like Him every day.

Who Is Jesus Anyway?

(Part 1/9)

Who Is Jesus Anyway Part 1

The story of Jesus began long, long ago with God, Jesus, Satan, you, and me.

Before the world was created, we all lived in heaven together as a family.

We learned, we grew and were taught in a perfect home setting.

There came a time when God had a huge family council that we all attended.

At this very special meeting, God explained in detail His Plan of Happiness for us, with our agency being the most important gift.

The Plan included that we would be born on earth to gain a body and learn by experiences as a mortal.

With our agency, we would be able to choose good from evil and right from wrong.

But being human, also meant we would not be perfect.  We would make mistakes and sin and die physically.

Not being perfect and dying meant we could not return to live with our Heavenly Father…unless a price was paid to balance justice.

Lucifer who is also known as Satan stepped forward and said that he would make sure that every single person could return to heaven; not one soul would be lost to mistakes, sin, or death.

But with his plan, not one of us would be free to use our agency – we would not have choices, not be able to make our own decisions and certainly not have any freedoms.

Satan’s plan also included that he would take God’s place and rule over Him and us forever in every way possible.

I imagine we all were struck by the terrible situation that would put us in, to be under Satan’s complete rule, when he clearly wasn’t worried about our happiness.

But was there another option?

Jesus stepped forward and said that He would carry out God’s plan – giving us agency, the ability to be forgiven, and God all the glory.

He was the only one who could do this for us!

God chose Christ; giving Him the mission to:

give us the gospel to know how to return back to God

show us the way to live a life of happiness

suffer and atone for our sins so we could be forgiven

die and be resurrected so we can be resurrected

This made Satan very angry.

He rebelled against God, saying that he would lead as many of us as he could to believe his lies, reject Jesus and not want to love God.

We have the choice every single day to choose who we will follow because of the love Jesus has for you and me.

Series: 1/9

Written by:  Carrie Groneman, A Mother’s Shadow, all rights reserved.  Contact for permission to use the illustrations or any of the text in any way other than to read and view from the blog,